Monday, September 19, 2016

How to make mutual decisions

How to make mutual decisions -

as a married couple, you will make many decisions throughout your marriage. Make sure that these decisions are mutual decisions

Here's how to make mutual decisions

Difficulty: .. Average

Time required: varies

Here's how:

  1. If spirituality is part of your relationship, pray together for guidance as you make your decision.
  2. gather facts and information. You can do this both individually and as a couple. Share what you find at the other.
  3. Seek input from friends, family and experts.
  4. Do not focus on a single option. Look at several options that may be available to you.
  5. Speak with one on the advantages and disadvantages of the decision you are about to do.
  6. Make sure that the decision is a decision you can both live with.
  7. Examine your values ​​and ideals and compare your lists with each other.
  8. two you should take responsibility for the decision. Do not play the blame game later if the consequences of the decision are negative.
  9. Make a commitment to reverse the decision you made at a later time and reassess.
  1. Remember the importance of setting goals. Goal setting together is key to a successful marriage

Tips :.

  1. If it does not work as you planned, do not blame each other or say "I told you so!
  2. appointment to the revaluation.
  3. It's okay to admit that the decision should be reversed.

what you need: ..

  • Agreement that a decision must be made
  • information
  • There is time to talk with each other about the decision.
  • Will reassess the decision.
  • accepting the consequences of your decision.

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How to make mutual decisions
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