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By Sheri Stritof
Marriage Expert
By Sheri Stritof
Very often we hear people say that their spouse does not fulfill Needs their emotion. When we ask what needs are not met, people mention things that are not emotional, but what we consider needs and desires. You must take responsibility to fill your needs.
Four basic emotional needs
The need to love and be loved.
The need to belong and have a sense of purpose in life.
The need to have a positive self image.
The need for autonomy, which is a necessity for some personal, private space and control.
Some may add the need for security to the list of emotional needs. We believe that people who love and are loved, who have a sense of belonging and can see an end to their life, who believe in themselves and have a sense of control over their own lives are reliable people.
Answer your own emotional needs
Expecting your spouse to meet your emotional needs is not only unfair, it is unreasonable. You must take responsibility to fill your emotional needs yourself.
"If you are looking for a partner to make you feel useful, to make you feel happy, to save you from a life bored or unhappy, if you want someone to make you feel complete or whole - well then you have work to do, because these are needs that will never be fulfilled by someone other than yourself, "says Sugrue to put these demands on someone else is to. Place yourself - and the relationship - to fail " Source: Dennis Sugrue, psychologist,
Geneen Roth." If you use what you think a good mother / partner / friend would do and you let yourself - what you need, how you feel - out of the equation, your relationships will suffer I'm here to tell you that you cherishing making you a priority in your own. life is possible. You can take care of your needs and your relationships with family and friends can prosper " Source :. Geneen Roth ".. Feed your soul."
Cathy Meyer: "The key to getting the emotional needs met is the ability to identify your needs and find how to get those needs met if you are someone who needs it. to feel accepted, admired, appreciated and respected that you know what you need to do in life to have those needs met " . Source: Cathy Meyer." what are your emotional needs "of DivorceSupport ?.