book man's Guide to women: Secrets Scientifically proven the "Love Lab" about what women really want
Author: John Gottman, Ph.D., Julie Schwartz Gottman, Ph.D., Douglas Abrams, Rachel Carlton Abrams, MD
Genre: Non fiction, self-help
Publisher: Rodale Books
date of publication: February 2, 2016
further information: Available in hardcover (244 pages), e-reader, audio
Listen, men! You all keep asking how to better understand women and now it is finally true answers. One of the world's best researchers, Dr. John Gottman, beyond all the secrets collected from the "Love Lab." The authors were able to take many years of hard data and break it down into an easier to read and understand books to help men. It will also help the women because they now have a way to provide clear and concise information to the men they love.
Dr. Gottman is already author of several bestselling books relations, including The seven principles for making marriage work . He is currently co-founder of the Gottman Institute ™ with his wife, Dr. Julie Schwartz Gottman it.
He is the executive director of the Relationship Research Institute and professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Washington in Seattle. Dr. Gottman is a relationship researcher respected and world renowned.
I can say first hand that I woman, the authors were all good. I can also say, as a marriage therapist, this book would help many marriages and committed relationships. Women are usually the ones to seek divorce. Men are often still wondering "what happened?" I can categorically tell you that most of the answers are in the pages of Guide of man to woman. And guys ... there are only 244 pages!
The chapters describe how to date, romance, live and make love to a woman. Specifically, it is a guide on how to have a healthy relationship, and long love with a woman. This is not a guide to seduce or get women in bed There are enough books on this topic.There are also many books that tell men how to be a good partner. But I do not think there's a lot of books that have collected their depth scientific research material the way it did.
My favorite book spaces at the end of each chapter. There is a "cheat sheet" that bullet points if you are a "hero" or "zero". For example, you're a hero if you compliment. But you are a zero if you criticize her body, comparing his appearance to other women or treat her as a sexual object rather than a real person. The information is really that simple.
This is the perfect guide for any man wanting to be a better partner relationship to the woman he loves. I would say women buy for their husbands if they are dissatisfied with their relationship. It would also be a good idea for moms buy for their son before leaving for college. But as a self-help book, it only helps if the suggestions and advice are put into action.
I wish for the book to go into more depth on people and their emotions. Men often seem to struggle both contact and express their emotions with their partners. This can come from socialization and family of origin. But time and again, women often complain of not feeling close to their men because the conversations will not "deep" enough. Pieces that are sprinkled throughout the book, but perhaps not enough to help people who really struggle at this level.
Relationships are complicated. Sometimes there is conflicting information out there, especially with the plethora of self-help books available. It became more difficult to understand what author offers up good and reliable advice especially when anyone can self-publish or be a self-proclaimed expert. The authors of Guide to the man with the woman have information and an excellent reputation. They managed to present a useful guide, but entertaining that approximates someone else to answer the question,
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