Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Simple ways to keep your marriage healthy

Simple ways to keep your marriage healthy -
Daisy - Photo: Dougal Waters / Photographer's Choice RF / Getty Images
Daisy. Photo: Choice RF / Getty Images Dougal Waters / Photographer

Whether a gift of one single flower or one single word on a love note, these are only two ways to keep your marriage healthy. Although there is no simple way to make your marriage successful, here are some suggestions.

  • Listen . Do not listen to each other can destroy your marriage.
  • Say 5 simple sentences . Saying these words can often improve your relationship.
  • Love yourself. You must love yourself before you can truly love your spouse.
  • Pamper Yourself. It is important that you do what you can to keep you healthy, both emotionally and physically.
  • laugh together. The benefits of having a good sense of humor and laughing together are numerous.
  • Be romantic. You do not have to spend a fortune to show your romantic side. A little creativity in the planning date nights much help.
  • give gifts. Receiving a simple gift for no reason can mean a lot to your spouse. unexpected gifts help make your spouse feel appreciated, too.
  • Celebrate birthdays. Do not forget your birthday! Your anniversary is an important day to do special for the other.
  • Be Friends. Yes, passion and intimacy are very important in successful marriages, but it is to be a friend to another. Do not let your friends take a back seat to other priorities in your life.
  • Say I love you. every day, make sure you say the words "I love you" to each other.

Your whole life will be a unique journey. Make a wonderful trip by not being afraid to face problems and creating a long marriage.

Please share memories of your journey together.

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Simple ways to keep your marriage healthy
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