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/ Does the flu Hit your spouse? Here's what to do and what not to do
Monday, December 5, 2016
Does the flu Hit your spouse? Here's what to do and what not to do
Does the flu Hit your spouse? Here's what to do and what not to do -
Photo: Sarah Kashner / STOCK4B-RF / Getty Images
By Sheri Stritof
Marriage Expert
By Sheri Stritof
your best friend in the world, your lover, your long life companion, was hit by the flu and just turned into a groan, demanding, annoying abroad.
This does not mean the end of your marriage. Read these tips on survival with a spouse with flu
Difficulty: Hard
Time required: Varies
Here's how:
as soon as you are sure it is the flu shot your partner, put a cool cloth on his / her forehead. Then put on your own forehead.
Continue pushing liquid to your sick, flu mounted companion. They replenish lost body fluids, electrolytes and minerals. Sports drinks, fruit juices and water are in agreement. Do not serve beverages containing caffeine or alcohol.
Insist that your spouse rests while ill with the flu. That means no TV, no computer, etc. Well, maybe a little computer time.
Keep yourself well by washing your hands a lot. The last thing you need is to get sick with the flu you.
Super Important !! Do not give your spouse a small bell to ring. No matter how miserable he or she is with the flu, stay strong. No bell !!
Go ahead and serve chicken soup. It is easily digested liquid with many minerals, proteins and carbohydrates and makes you look like a compassionate person care even if you do not feel that way.
When your spouse is feverish with the flu, a warm bath is soothing and helpful. Lower the heat, remove the covers and ask your companion remove socks and clothes. Rubbing alcohol baths are no longer recommended.
If your spouse is sick with the flu for over a week, or seems to feel worse, make an appointment with a doctor.
A humidifier can reduce congestion of your spouse have the flu and make it easier to breathe. laundry
Change of bed often. Nice, clean sheets are so comforting. Plump pillows now and then.
Keep your sense of humor.
Treat yourself to a little luxury like a box of chocolates, a glass of wine, a good book, or a warm bath. shower, a nap or a favorite movie on TV
Try to avoid getting the flu by getting a vaccine against influenza [
When someone in the house is sick with the flu, wash surfaces with a bleach solution for 10 percent or cleaning the fight against bacteria.
Think throw the toothbrush and lip balms your spouse or sticks for the lips if they have been around for some time. More on the retention of throwing toothbrushes >>