Attention Deficit Disorder is a disorder in basic neurobiological. It is actually quite common among adults. More than half of those diagnosed as children go to have the disorder in adulthood. It will continue throughout life as individuals as well. A large percentage runs in families. If a parent has ADD, there is a strong likelihood that your children will too.
An individual must have several symptoms present to meet the criteria for either the inattentive type or type hyperactive / impulsive. It should also be achieved accordingly. For example, the underperformance at work, school, home, or socially. There would have been the presence of the disease in childhood. The symptoms must not be better accounted for something else. For example, drug use, another neurological disorder or another mental disorder.
Spouses, when one or both have ADD, can still have a good marriage. You need to keep the lines of communication open and you should not try to coach, fix or allow another.
ADD Does the impact of a marriage
you can find, after being diagnosed with ADD, your mechanisms regular adaptation no longer work. This can be a shock. This can lead to other problems such as depression. In fact, there is a higher degree of co-occurring with ADD disorders such as depression, anxiety and addiction.
The symptoms of ADD and certain behaviors that you can create hostility. A messy house could become very frustrated. Procrastination can become another source of irritation. Having a partner constantly tun can be extremely frustrating. Constantly lose the key or forgetting things can drive each other the wall.
Tips on coping with ADD / ADHD in your marriage
- help! You must be responsible to effectively manage your ADD. Because it is a biologically based disorder, you'll probably need a biologically based treatment, such as medication. There are several available to help you and you must be under the care of a psychiatrist while taking these drugs.
- Consult a therapist who specializes in ADD.
- Designate a room "clean". Some couples find that fit together to have a room in the house that is designated as the "clean" room, helps eliminate the frustration of leaving unfinished projects or piles of paper around. The "clean" room is out of bounds for these projects and pious.
- Do not nag.
- Accept that change will not happen right away.
- Affirmation and praise are important messages to hear each other.
- Appreciate your differences.
- Set realistic expectationstogether.
- Keep working on your communication skills with one another. Make a point to communicate assertively and respectfully
- . Agree that you both need patience.
- support strategies of each other processing.
- Do not let little "do" reminders around the house for your spouse.
- You both need to keep a sense of humor.
- Read some of the high-quality books on the subject of ADD (see recommendations)
Focus on your own behavior changes
- do not think you can coach or help your partner as he or she treats ADD issues. You create hostility or resentment in your relationship if you try to take the role of the coach.
- Pay attention to changes you want to do in your own behavior, not on what you want your spouse would change.
- Back off and allow another to make its own decisions about how to deal with ADD / ADHD.
- Some people will make lists. Some people will take drugs. Some will create other ways of dealing with ADD / ADHD in their lives. Remember that none of these approaches are necessarily wrong and that none of these approaches are necessarily right. This is an individual decision
PURCHASE FROM AMAZON :. ADHD affects about marriage, is it you, me, or adult A.D.D.? Scattered Minds: Hope and Help for Adults with deficit disorder attention deficit hyperactivity or You mean I'm not lazy, stupid or crazy ?! The Self-Help Classic Book for adult Attention Deficit Disorder
You can also read: How to deal with a spouse mentally ill
* Article updated by Marni Feuerman