Definition: If a couple divorce after age 50, they are considered to have a gray divorce. According to US Census data from 04, there was a drop of 20 percent in married couples (married between 1955-1984) have reached their 20th birthday.
Reasons for divorce Gray
- Growing old together can create a distance.
- Living together without children.
- focused on different things or different values.
- Drifting apart, lack of being fulfilled.
- abuse.
- abuse alcohol or drugs.
- Lack of conflict with one spouse suffers in silence.
- infidelity.
- Unhappiness after many years.
- The lack of emotional connection with the spouse.
- loss of respect for each other.
- The lack of belief by sticking together no matter what.
- Desire for a new lease on life after a stay in the interests of children
Janice Green :. "End of life divorces and long-term separations can occur for the same reasons that relationships violations younger adults: infidelity, domestic violence, financial pressures, regret on previous decisions, or the desire . independence However, many of these reasons are padded and have a new meaning when they surface in the context of a graying divorce - and some end of life divorces are the result of the realities for the elderly "
Source Janice Green [ divorce After 50: Your guide .. unique legal and financial challenges 2010. pg 4.
More Quotes About Gray divorce
Anita Creamer: "for most, it is boomers older who keep divorce alive, even while divorce rates are declining for those born in the early 1960 and later - and even while the national divorce rate dropped from a peak of 5.3 per 1,000 people in 1981 to 3.5 today, the rate corresponding to 1970 "
Source :. Anita Creamer 15/08/2010 ['divorceGray
Jessica Yadegaran "baby boomers lead new wave." "Weddings of 40 or over account for 4 percent of divorces, according to Andrew Cherlin, a sociology professor at Johns Hopkins University, who studies families. It jumps to 8 percent for weddings from 30 to 39 years, likely because these couples are closer to empty nest stage of life, when children are grown and out of the house "
Source :. Jessica Yadegaran Contra Costa Times 28/06/2010
Kay Harvey "after setting the" gray divorce '.. ".." Some people, like David Popenoe, are skeptical that the divorce between people of the forties increases significantly. Popenoe, co-director of the Marriage project at Rutgers University, cites an overall divorce rate declining in recent years. "If there is an increase in the elderly, it would go against the trend, "he said. he attributed any increase in the past midlife divorce with the size of the baby boom, rather than any societal change." to be sure, there are over 55 than there were 20 years ago, "he said." what we want to avoid saying is that there is no higher risk of divorce a person 55 years and older than for someone 20 years ago "
Source: Kay Harvey.". Saying "I Do not" Gray Divorce " 5/17/07 [
Helen Rumbelow: "in a way, then, it is not fear of death that prompts the change, but confidence that old age gives you ... in his novel Immortality , Milan Kundera asks a difficult question. If after death, you were given the opportunity to another round, another spin on the earth, and we gave you the opportunity to have the same life partner for another 40 years, diriez- you? It is a difficult question, because even in the happiest marriages, the people are wonderful "
Source :. Helen Rumbelow." An Inconvenient Truth about end of life divorce. " 04/06/2010
Sherry Parrish :. "Often people who have been together for children, for careers, finally meet face to face and decide maybe there is more to life than live with this person. "
. Source: Joce Sterman" Gore are not the only ones going through divorce Gray. " 02/06/2010
Erica Manfred.". According to an AARP study on end of life divorce, divorced we face quite well with life after divorce Sixty-five percent feel divorce was the right decision for them .. "Their buzz words are" freedom "" self-identity "and" accomplishment. "
Source: Erica Manfred. There is history, you are not: Surviving Divorce After 40. 09. pg. 2.
Useful books on gray divorce
Calling It Quits - .. Late in the divorce of life and departure of (07)
by Deidre Bair
divorce After 50: Your guide .. unique legal and financial challenges (2010)
by Janice Green
There is history, you are not: Surviving divorce After 40. (09)
by Erica Manfred
alias :. Mature. divorce, end of life divorce
Common Misspellings: divorce Grey