Balancing children and married life can feel like a constant struggle. You used to dream about the next time you see your future spouse. Then the children arrived and now you dream in a quiet day where nothing is damaged or destroyed. Learn how to balance your married life while raising children so you can have the best of both worlds.
Making Your Married Life Better Benefits whole family
back to the basics of quality time with your husband to keep your marriage strong and meet the demands being of your children with a smile on your face.
date nights with your spouse plane
There was a time when the date nights meant pretty dresses fixing your hair and an evening on the town. Now the nights turned into you wearing sweatpants, hair in a ponytail, and the two of you in separate rooms.
Do not feel guilty. You are not alone.
Raising a family is exhausting. You want to spend time together, but you are both so burned from the day it is much easier to do nothing.
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Signs You're too strict with your child
aim for at least one night a month, when you and your husband to leave the house for an old date night. Plan a whole day event in advance so you can both look forward to your date.
You can always go to dinner and a movie, but try to plan something different for each date. An open-air concert, a picnic by moonlight or ice skating offer a variety of experiences to share together.
lunch together
Lunch does not have to come up with a child's toy. Spice up your marriage by meeting your husband for a private date for lunch.
Bring food home and sit in the conference room of your husband or in the park to save money. It does not matter what you eat. It only matters that you spend quality time together.
Take a weekend off
For some people, it's hard to imagine being away from the children for more than a few hours. Then there are those who throw out the other side to the holiday of a week without a second thought.
Start with a children's weekend to see what works for you. You can actually enjoy time alone with your spouse more than you did before having children.
You do not have to leave the house for a weekend. Do children leave instead. Send them to the house of a friend or family member for their own weekend.
Just be sure that you tell the person who watches the children not to interrupt your weekend unless there is blood or vomiting. No fall of the house to get the pink pajamas instead of violet either.
Your weekend without the children should be just as if you spend a weekend out of town. Not get on the computer to check email. Spend time television, unless you watch a romantic movie. The weekend should be all about your wedding.
spend time together after the kids are in bed
A final glass of water. Five more minutes watching television.
We know that children use delaying tactics to "lights out." We have used them many times ourselves.
It is tempting to give in to avoid the struggles of bedtime, but you and your spouse need time together, as well as your children need sleep. Set a bedtime for your children. Respect it.
This way, you can "meet" your husband for a secret rendezvous in the lounge. laid plans are not necessary. This is just your time to be together without wondering what your children.
speak Every Day
Dad can tell the children how their day was around the dinner table. It can also record some details so you can talk more when you two are alone.
Read the newspaper. Laugh together. Watch funny videos. Tell a lyrical and see if your husband can guess the song title. Make a point every day to interact with each other.
Speak, listen and take time for each other. Even with both of you being dedicated to your children, the happiness of your family depends on the health of your marriage.