Even if you are married, Valentine's Day can still be a big problem. If you do not "get it right" not tears fall, the doors are slamming, and someone is definitely sleeping on the couch. The last thing you want to see is that look of disappointment guts in your eyes beloved. Stress this festival brings!
Valentine's Day is a big deal. According to US News and World Report, sales will reach $ 18.9 billion this year. People on average spend almost $ 100 on their significant other spouse.
As wonderful as it is to celebrate love and do something special for our life partners, the pressure is serious. Expectations can put a damper on the romance. Buying gifts for birthdays and holidays such as this can be like walking into a mine. Nobody wants to get into a fight a day like Valentine's Day.
Is there a way to get through Valentine's Day with your free relationship?
Here are some helpful ideas:
1. Make sure you are on the same page on what you expect.
We are pleased or disappointed on the basis of how reality has lived up to our expectations. If she waits flowers delivered to work and he toured with the heart shaped box of chocolates at home, she will feel let down. Ditto for him if he was expecting a meal cooked at home and suggests a fancy dinner out.
It is best to avoid surprises. Often they do not come off as successfully as we love them. To avoid disappointment or a major error, have an open and clear talk in advance what you both feel is an appropriate way to celebrate the day
. 2. Do not blow your budget.
Money can not buy love and love is not measured in dollars. It is measured in reflection and kind gestures, privacy and connectivity over time. Get your wife her rare favorite plant can mean more to her than a dozen long-stemmed roses. If you decide on both a dinner in a restaurant four stars and can afford it, then go ahead. But if any of you think this is a colossal waste of money, a picnic on the beach can work very well. It all boils down to what you agree on.
4. Do not think your partner will be different just because it's Valentine's Day.
If your spouse is never romantic, why would he or she be suddenly on February 14 e ? This can be something really good or really bad. If this is consistent with their behavior in the right direction, then consider yourself lucky. You can count on this person wholeheartedly. If you are still disappointed, then this is a much more serious problem in your marriage that needs to be addressed. Besides, if your spouse was amazing only on your birthday and Valentine's Day, you would be incredibly unlucky too.
5. Some people do not understand!
A person who receives not just the hype of Valentine's Day should not be taken personally. It can be for two reasons :. Negative memories of the past, considering that many holidays are too commercialized or have no idea of romance and never did
6. Focus on what is really important.
There are many ways people show their love. Some do it more outward and others of a more sober and discreet manner. There is not really a good way to show love, just a way that works for you both.
What matters every day, not just on this particular day, is that you and your partner both feel mutually loved, valued, cared for and respected.