If you or your spouse fall into negative patterns of how you relate to another, you're not just in a rut, you're hurting each other and your marriage.
You can not compromise or negotiate these behaviors means. You can not rationalize the behavior as is "just the way I am."
In order to save your marriage, these harmful behavior must stop.
emotionally and / or physically Abusing Your joint
This should be obvious, but you may think that your control over the daily lives of your spouse or negative responses to your spouse's okay. No. the day will come when your spouse will say "enough is enough" and your marriage is over. If you are abusive in any way to your spouse and children, seek advice immediately. More ...
Breaking your promises and be a spouse undependable
who wants to live with someone who can not be depended on? the more promises you break, the more you say you will do something and do not do, the more you are late or not you say you'll be more your spouse will lose confidence in you.
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Be jealous
One of the surest ways to drive your spouse away and destroy your marriage show irrational jealousy or spy on your spouse. If you can not admit your jealous behavior or change your behavior, ask for advice. More ...
Unable or unwilling to forgive
Resentment over past hurts or betrayals will eat slowly to love your spouse for you and your convict wedding. Not forgiving your spouse night as your own health. Forgiveness does not mean that you forget that you approve or hurtful behavior. Do not let your stubbornness or want revenge causes the end of your marriage. More ...
Romance Put on Back Burner
Although the situation of your lifestyle changes throughout the years, your need for love and affection does not decrease. Talk about your expectations about affection, sex and romance. You say that "someday", you will have time to be romantic will harm your marriage. More ...
Playing the blame game
playing the blame game if you do not want to take responsibility for the problems in your life. Blaming is a sign of insecurity and can poison your marriage. Instead of blaming each other, consider asking the question "Can we handled it differently? If so, how? " More ...
Continue to have unrealistic expectations
Disillusionment will grow as your needs continue to be unmet. Once you identify which expectations are based on myths and marriage are not realistic, talk to each other to have realistic expectations. More ...
refusing to listen or communicate with your spouse
stop your spouse from your life by refusing to talk or listen to is a final death knell for your wedding. It is so important for both of you to share your thoughts and feelings with each other. More ...
be Unkind to Uncaring or your spouse
when a lack of compassion and kindness or when selfishness creeps into your marriage, divorce slippery slope begins . is it really so hard to say "please" or "thank you" to your spouse? Just because the two of you are married does not mean you should not be courteous to each other. More ...