Put your first marriage For Thanksgiving Less Chaotic
Put your first marriage For Thanksgiving Less Chaotic -
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for many couples, Thanksgiving is a time for families and friends to gather, to watch the football matches and Thanksgiving Day parades, eat lots and lots of traditional food Thanksgiving Day, and remember and share old stories and experiences.
Put your relationship first
the most important thing you two can do to make your Thanksgiving Day holiday a joyous occasion and stress is put your relationship with the other first .
stand together and support each other as you share your holiday making your family and friends.
When making decisions about where to go, who to see and how to spend the day, remember to make decisions together that give life to your wedding.
make Thanksgiving Less Chaotic and meaningful
If on Thanksgiving Day for you two is not ideal and is a day of stress and problems in your marriage, check some of these ideas to make the most meaningful and less chaotic holiday.
Consider having your own Thanksgiving dinner alone Day. So join your family later for dessert.
If you really do not want to choose which family to spend the holiday with and dating. You do not have to go far. There are probably major stations near your home who have vacation packages that include a romantic place to stay and Thanksgiving dinner.
You can also get family if you have children. We had a great Thanksgiving dinner with our four children at Cinderella's castle at Disney World. Years later, children still talk about the wonderful stress free time we had a family this holiday.
If you are in an interfaith marriage, rather than saying grace at dinner, you might have a moment of silence before eating, or have everyone at the table share something they are thankful.
Sometimes during the day, take a nap or a break in the festivities.
When you two are alone together, to share the blessings you each feel about your marriage.
If two of you are hosting a Thanksgiving Day dinner, remember to try to keep balance in your life.
do not strive for perfection of how your house looks, how your children behave, or how the meal is revealed.
Decide together on who will do what when it comes to the recovery of the house, planning, preparation, cooking and cleaning responsibilities.
Look for ways to go beyond the inner circle of yourselves and your families by taking canned food to the church or a local food bank or help distribute hot meals Thanksgiving day.
Tell a story of your Thanksgiving celebrations past each other.
Having a blessing basket with pieces of paper and pens available for everyone to write how they think they have been blessed this past year. Sometimes during the day, ask everyone to share what they wrote, but do not force it to anyone.
Play board or card.
Take a walk together.
Make sure you have some quiet time during the day.
Watch a favorite holiday movie together.
Do the unexpected and ask your guests to work out a simple craft project.
Make copies of a turkey and have children and adults punch many points of folded paper from colored construction paper, and glue the small dots on the paper turkey. It is not too messy! You will need: