Thursday, January 26, 2017

We have much to learn from same sex

We have much to learn from same sex -
same-sex relationships - David Jakle-Image Source/Getty
David Jakle -image Source / Getty
update August 29, 2015 .

In a landmark decision, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry in this country. Besides being historically denied access to legal recognition as married couples, same-sex couples were also subjected to insidious discrimination. Yet, lesbians and gays couples, mostly had the same relationship goals that people are straight. They also face similar relationship issues that partners are straight. In several areas, however, they do a better job of dealing with these stressors. Although more clinical research is needed, we have some data showing straight couples can acquire social skills successfully to these same-sex unions.

Role of equality

Same-sex couples do not automatically slide in typical roles, stereotyped. They divide tasks and tasks based on skill level or interest. They also tend to more mundane chores together. Their relationships are naturally more egalitarian.

This is a fight that straight couples frequently encounter.


Same-sex couples do what they want to do sexually. There is less inhibition based on the prescribed gender roles and what society thinks is appropriate. They are more inclined to explore the full spectrum of sexual pleasure. They also communicate their desires in the room easily. Masters and Johnson study found gay couples were less focused on orgasm and more focused on fun and excitement. They take their time and lots of emotional connection during sex. In other words, they do not have sexual "hang up" as often as straight couples.

The fighting and conflict

Same-sex couples face the same ups and downs and the stressors affecting heterosexual couples. However, they are better able to manage conflicts and disagreements. Studies by the Gottman Institute found that same-sex couples are more positive face conflicts. couples related to straight couples, gay and lesbians use more humor, affection and honesty when they set up a concern, and LGBTQ partners are often more receptive to these discussions. Same-sex couples have also been found less likely to take things personally and more likely to be optimistic after a disagreement. Overall, they are also less likely to use hostile tactics and control when arguing. There seems to be more fairness and sharing power in these relationships compared to heterosexual couples.


Research has shown that children of same-sex couples, whether adopted or biological, fare no worse than children of heterosexual couples on mental health social functioning, school performance and several other life success measures. They can be considered "better parents" overall that gays and lesbians choose to be parents. They do not become parents by accident. They took a decision of conscience to be a parent and must often go through difficult means such as adoption, artificial insemination or surrogacy, to achieve this goal. When gays and lesbians become parents, they are highly motivated, involved and committed. Moreover, their children are more open-minded and tolerant. These children had solid models for equitable relationships, as well.

The same-sex couples, in general, operate similarly to heterosexual couples. There may be a thing or two same-sex couples can learn heterosexual couples, but there is an absence of any significant research on this topic at this time. Now that same-sex couples can legally marry anywhere in the United States, it is likely that several comparative studies will be conducted. Meanwhile, it is really worth continuing to explore what makes successful relationships, regardless of sexual or gender orientation. Whether in terms of gender roles, sexuality, conflict or parenting, we have good data to show that there is room for all couples to acquire knowledge and develop skills to thrive as a couple. Same-sex couples have much to offer in this area

Source :. Gottman, J. M, et al. (03). Correlates of relationship dissolution gay and lesbians relationship satisfaction and couples. Journal of Homosexuality, 45 (1).

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We have much to learn from same sex
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