throughout your marriage, you will make mistakes.
Although small errors will not be initially hurt your marriage, if you do not recognize your mistakes, or you become defensive or justify your mistakes, these behaviors will create hostility and lack of trust between you and your spouse.
it makes no difference if you have made an insignificant error or serious error, you must take ownership of the mistake, admit it, apologize, repair, and not repeat it.
- responsible. Tell the truth if you made a mistake. Do not put the blame on someone or something else. Do not try to hide your mistake or pretend it did not happen.
- Accept the consequences of your mistake. Know that your spouse may be upset or angry against you, but be honest about making the mistake will help defuse the anger of your spouse. More details on the consequences
- doing things. Fix it, clean it, do what it takes to correct the error. Although you can not change the past, you can avoid making the same mistake in the future. Learn from your mistakes.
- ask for forgiveness. Be sincere and honest and do not play games. Say "please forgive me." Saying you're sorry is not enough. Do not expect your spouse to get a little more now. Forgive yourself, too. More on forgiveness
Citations to make mistakes
John C. Maxwell: "A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit, and strong enough to correct them"Source:
Swami Sivananda: ". do not chew your mistakes and past failures that this will only fill your mind with grief, regret and depression. Do not repeat in the future "
Confucius: ". A man who has committed a mistake and does not correct commits another error. "
Hugh White: " When you make a mistake, do not look back at it long Take the reason of the thing into your. . mind and look forward Mistakes are lessons of wisdom from the past can not be changed The future is yet in your power "
Source: ...
Nikki Giovanni: "errors are a fact of life, it is the response to error that counts.".