Monday, January 9, 2017

Negativity Could Be Hurting Your Marriage?

Negativity Could Be Hurting Your Marriage? -
Angry couple - Martin Siepmann/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Martin Siepmann / Stockbyte / Getty Images
update February 5, 2016 .

Negativity can come in the form of cynicism, criticism, whining, attacking, pessimism, dissatisfaction, perfectionism, and hyperintense. All of these behaviors can push people away, including your spouse.

"Research shows that you can get mad as hell or avoid conflict. But the positivity must outweigh the negativity of five to one "
Source: John Gottman, Nan Silver" What makes the marriage work.? ". March / April 1994.

Ask yourself these questions

Do you find yourself in a bad mood on a regular basis? Do you live on the wrong things or painful memories?

Are you critical of everyone in your life? Do you look at incidents and events in a negative perspective?

Are you a perfectionist? If someone says, "Good Morning", do you wonder what's good about it?

Quick Are you to say "No" and rarely say "yes" to requests for your wife or children?

If you answer yes to most of these questions, your negative personality could have an adverse impact on your marriage.

Change your negativity model

If you are chronically negative, you can change your negative thinking. But you have to want to make this change. Here are some things you can do to be more positive: ..
  • Eat healthy foods
  • more accepting
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Be willing to forgive you and your spouse.
  • Practice mindfulness.
  • exercise.
  • Do something every day to make you smile. Keep it simple, like listening to a favorite song, spend time on a creative hobby, watch a funny video, or take a bubble bath.
  • When you feel a negative response coming into your mind, challenge. Force yourself to think of something positive instead.
  • volunteering your time and do something for others.
  • Stay in touch with positive people.
  • Remember the things you are grateful.
  • Accept compliments.
  • Be open to seeking professional help.

Help your spouse Negative

If you are married to a negative personality, you are not liable to make him / her feel better. However, here are some things you can do to help your spouse is more positive: ..
  • Do not take the negativity personally
  • Remember that negativity is the problem of your spouse, not yours
  • If your spouse refuses your offer of help, do not react anymore.
  • spend time with positive people. You need time off the negativity of your spouse.
  • Invite your spouse to take a walk with you at least once a week.
  • Recognizing the positive achievements of your partner.
  • Encourage your partner to try new things.
  • not be afraid to say "Enough!" and change the subject to something more positive.
  • Be open to seeking professional help.

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Negativity Could Be Hurting Your Marriage?
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