Saturday, November 12, 2016

The definition of romantic love

The definition of romantic love -
Man kissing, teasing woman over coffee - Cavan Images/Iconica/Getty Images
Cavan Images / Iconica / Getty Images


romantic love is when products chemicals in the brain and suddenly you feel a strong emotion, exhilaration, passion and excitement when you and your lover are together.

The old saying about love being blind really describes romantic love. Many who are in the midst of romantic love want to be with their lover all the time and can not ignore the flaws, conflicts and abuse.

Infatuation is an aspect of romantic love. Scientific papers we read concerning the report of the craze that most individuals can not support this kind of emotional high for a long period of time, like years and years.

A person will realize that the passion / love romantic phase of their relationship is declining / wear when a sense of disillusionment sets in. spouses can become more critical of each other, becoming easily irritated things that bother them earlier in their relationship, have less patience with each other, and could be indifferent to the needs and feelings of the other.

No bailout and communication of dreams, desires, thoughts and feelings with each other can lead to wonderful. scene of mature love

alias: honeymoon phase, puppy love, sexual love, have a crush, infatuation, limerence


was planned that the end of the five-year marriage to Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes when Katie said they would always be in their wedding honeymoon phase .

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