Tuesday, November 8, 2016

What do candles symbolize in marriage?

What do candles symbolize in marriage? -
Young woman lighting candles - Jamie Grill/Iconica/Getty Images
Jamie Grill / Iconica / Getty Images

most of us enjoy the splendor and glory of candles. Candles are visible reminders of what we can triumph over darkness. Have you ever noticed how one candle can go almost unnoticed but when you have a lot of lighted candles, their presence is overbearing and you can not ignore their impact.

The symbolism of candles is reflected in many ways your religious and cultural traditions - and in your marriage. Examples include how the celebration of Kwanzaa uses special colored candles, memorial candles Yahrzeit, turn on the lights of Hanukkah and the Advent wreath.

Many couples have a unity candle at their wedding. Two candles outside are lit by the mothers of the couple to represent their lives at that time. These distinct flames, each burning alone represent faith, wisdom and love received from their parents. Together, the couple lights a center candle, symbolizing the union of their lives. Their thoughts are for each other, and they will share both joys and sorrows.

The flames of two small candles are lit to show how good they are now one, they are still each unique individuals.

  • candle represents love that can light the world from your spouse.
  • a candle erase darkness and shows you how love can brighten your loved one's life.
  • When you are near a candle, you feel the heat, as you feel the warmth of love to your spouse.
  • a candle can give a sense of direction and can draw people together, to remind you of how your love is as a binding force.
  • When a candle is burning, melting the wax on the candle in a way disfigures the candle, which represents the risk and the element of pain that exists in a love relationship.
  • A candle to fill, must be consumed. If a candle is not lit, it fulfills its function.

Your conjugal love is the same. Marriage should not be a 50/50 proposition. It is a commitment of 100/100 per cent for the other.

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What do candles symbolize in marriage?
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