Saturday, November 12, 2016

12 simple ways to create more Intimacy in your wedding

12 simple ways to create more Intimacy in your wedding -
Photo Credit: Fernando de Sousa - Photo Credit: Fernando de Sousa
Photo credit: Fernando de Sousa

There are activities and interactive dialogues you two can do together that will help deepen your relationship married. You should do things together regularly to keep the spark alive. It is particularly useful to try new activities together. There is no need to do it all at once. Just take one or two that you think would be the most beneficial for you both to start.

  • Think of a behavior you have each other as people or praise. Ask yourself why you both share it. Talking with another of your feelings as you think of this behavior.
  • video or audio tape on the value of a time to be with each other. For example, at the dinner table in the evening when the TV is on, or the morning you are ready for the day. Listen together a few days later. Share with one another how to listen to that tape you feel. Also, what are your thoughts about your interactions? Is there something that you notice this interesting?
  • When your spouse is talking, make a special effort not to interrupt each other. Try not to add your opinion to what your spouse is completely finished making a point.
  • This weekend, try not to ask your spouse to give you something, you get something, find something for you, or you something. Instead, offer these services to your spouse. How the reaction of your spouse make you feel?
  • Please note some ways in which you manage to instill guilt in your spouse. Be completely honest with yourself. For one week, try not to use these manipulative behaviors. If you want to take a step further, let your spouse know when you stopped.
  • Watch an old movie set, or listen to favorite music together. Explain why the film or music touches your hearts.
  • Go to the library together and choose a book for you both to read together. Try to choose one for pleasure and one on relationships. Create a mini experiment "book club" type of you.
  • Think of your last 10 years. Select two or three periods of time when you were really happy or when things seemed to go right for you both. These are the times when you are really happy to be alive. Talk with each other about what makes this time so enjoyable. How does this reflect on your past that you feel? Are there any lessons you learned?
  • If money was not an issue or a review, it would be the two of you do now, or how would you live your life? Compare this to the way you live now. How the comparison make you feel? Do you want to change now? ? How will you put this into action and support the efforts of other
  • If possible, go back to your childhood cities - either physically or mentally. Search the streets you walk, the houses you lived in the schools you attended, playgrounds you played on. Share your memories with each other.
  • Do some dedicated time for you both. Find a way to release an afternoon or an evening you will not be disturbed by texts, phone calls, children, friends, work, school, etc.
  • Surprise each other! Do something unexpected to your spouse. Be sure to keep in mind the tastes of your partner. Then discuss your thoughts and feel the way you surprised each other.

If you like these types of activities to create intimacy, try to get a book of questions to keep it that way! The fact that these types of negotiations will strengthen your bond and connection.

* Updated article by Marni Feuerman


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