Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Learn more about the leap year and when the next leap year Will Be

Learn more about the leap year and when the next leap year Will Be -

Leap Year was the traditional time that women may propose marriage.

In many cultures today, it is okay for a woman to propose marriage to a man. The company does not look down on these women. However, this has not always been the case.

When the court rules were stricter, women were allowed to pop the question one day every four years. That day was 29th February.

St. Bridget's Complaint

It is believed this tradition started in 5th century Ireland when St. Bridget complained to St. Patrick about women having to wait so long for a man to propose . According to legend, St. Patrick said the fiery women could propose on this day in February during the leap year.

February 29th in English law

According to English law, on February 29 was ignored and had no legal status. Folks assumed that traditions have also not status that day. It was also felt that since the day of the leap year was to solve a problem in the calendar, it could also be used to fix an old and unjust custom that only let men propose marriage.

The first documentation of this practice dates back to 1288, when Scotland supposedly passed legislation that allowed women to propose marriage to the man of their choice for this year.

tradition they also did this right that any man who declined a proposal in a leap year must pay a fine. The penalty can range from a kiss to payment for a silk dress or a pair of gloves.

Sadie Hawkins Day

In the United States, some people have called the first Saturday of November as Sadie Hawkins Day women given the right to run after unmarried men to propose.

Sadie Hawkins was a female character in the comic Al Capp Li'l Abner . Many communities prefer to celebrate Sadie Hawkins Day in November because Al Capp first mentioned Sadie Hawkins Day on November 15, 1937.

Greek Superstition

There is a Greek superstition that claims couples have bad luck if they marry during a leap year. Apparently, one in five engaged couples in Greece will avoid planning their wedding during a leap year.

Additional Resources

Marian Morton, "If women suggest?" The Scrap Book , v5, January-June 108, the page 656.

Kristina Seleshanko Carry me Over Threshold: A Christian guide wedding traditions , page 61.

Clarissa Bye, "Take the leap today, girls',, February 29, 04.

Jenna Sloan, "Leap Year proposals,", February 29, 08.

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Learn more about the leap year and when the next leap year Will Be
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