Questions committed couples should ask before marriage
Questions committed couples should ask before marriage
Cavan Images / Iconica / Getty Images
By Sheri Stritof
Marriage Expert
by Sheri Stritof
the success or failure of your marriage relationship depends on how you manage a number of problems personal. Review these questions with your partner.
Relations Goals and personal habits
Why get married?
What do we do as a couple, want to know about life?
Do you think our relationship will change after we're married?
What do you think we will do within thirty or forty years?
How often do you drink?
Have you ever hit someone?
do you have a criminal record?
How would you describe yourself?
How do you think I see you?
do you think it is important to know the other is the story of the physical and mental health?
Would you clean the toilet?
How will we divide the housework?
is it that religion plays an important role in your life?
do you think that faith and spirituality are important in a marriage?
What is your image of God?
Can we talk about money?
Are you a saver or spender when it comes to money?
How are we in debt and what are our strengths?
do you have a budget?
Where is our money?
Must have a joint checking account or separate accounts, or both?
will be responsible for ensuring that bills are paid on time?
Do you go to the movies and have a vacation every year a necessity or a luxury?
What are our financial goals?
do you have any unpaid fines or debts?
What are our future plans for buying a home?
is what we both know where our important financial documents are?
do you have children?
Do we want to have kids?
If we decide we do, how many children do you have?
How long should we marry before having children?
What kind of parent do you think you are?
What is your parenting philosophy?
Does one of us stay at home after we have children?
What type of birth control should be used if we want to delay or prevent parenthood?
How do you feel about adoption?
do you have children already?
What was your childhood?
family was a loving one?
Do you think we will have problems with your family during the holidays?
What values do you want your family in our marriage?
what you like and do not like your family?
what you like and dislike in my family?
what you like and dislike your wedding parents?
what you like and dislike in my wedding parents?
How long are we going with our in-laws?
Sex & Intimacy
Can we talk about sex?
Should we talk about sex?
Are you comfortable discussing your sexual likes and dislikes?
What are your expectations of our sexual relationship?
Am I a jealous person?
should I trust issues or feel insecure?
How important affirmation for me?
should I handle compliments well?
What is your love language?
do you think that we listen to each other as well?
do you think it is important to be true to one another?
How do you want to spend our days off?
What are your expectations about how we will spend our free time?
do you think we should do everything together?
Can we each pursue our own interests?
Do you need time alone?
How would you feel if I want a night out with my friends now and then?
How do we ensure we have quality time together?
Conflict & Communication
How do we make decisions together?
we are both ready to cope in difficult areas or we try to avoid conflict?
Do you think we have problems in our relationships we need to address before we were married?
do we manage conflict?
How are we different?
do you think our differences will create problems in our marriage?
Do you expect or want me to change?
Can we also forgive?
Are we both willing to work on our communication skills and intimately share with each other?