Monday, September 5, 2016

4 types of men that women should run from

4 types of men that women should run from -
Antonio Martin Sotelo/Getty
Antonio Martin Sotelo / Getty
update August 8, 2015 .

Getting married is a serious commitment, but some people do not take seriously. You should, of course, marry the best person for you. You should marry someone you can count on in good times and in bad ... someone who will always "have your back."

Women, in that spirit, here are four kinds of men you should definitely not be married:

1. The guy broke

you have to wonder why it is still broken. Does he hate work? Is he spends all his money on frivolous things? Whatever the case, you probably do not want to marry someone who can not keep his money. It is much smarter to marry someone who is financially stable. This does not mean that you should "marry rich." That means you have to "marry responsible." Responsibly handling its finances are not the same as saving every penny and become a cheapskate, but the guy should be able to save! If he can not pay for a date now, it probably will not be able to do much in the future.

Before you decide to get serious about someone, it is essential that you look at how they currently manage their money.

2. mama boy

You do not want to marry the son mom because you will always and forever be competing with his mother. It will always compare you to her mother, who can not hurt his eyes. You will be asked to do his laundry and do it exactly like her mother. A boy mama used to be supported and provides not only his mother, but his girlfriend or wife, as well. He probably never did chores in his life, does not know, and does not intend to do in the future. Never marry a man who does not know how to clean up after itself. A boy mama will not hesitate to run home to his mother after the two of you get into arguments, yet another reason to avoid this type.

3. The sad sack

Some people are always unhappy. No matter what happens, they always find something to complain about. If the guy you are dating is still pessimistic, it is probably not a good idea to marry him if you want a happy marriage. A miserable kind could be content now and then, but mostly you will have to listen to her constant litany of complaints and continues to blame others. It probably will not take a lot of steps to change what he does not like. Someone who likes to complain, but will not make changes, are not the ideal husband, away from imagination

. 4. The master manipulator

A man who uses manipulation to get what he wants is not good marriage material. Although it does now and then, there is no better than doing it all the time. The fact that he has the skills to handle and is ready to use when it needs is a very bad sign. The problem with the manipulators is that either you give them exactly what they want or you will most likely have their anger. You will end up walking on eggshells to make him happy and avoid being manipulated. This is not a way of life. If you are dating a manipulator, marrying him will ensure more misfortune.

If you attend one of these types of men, it is important that you consider the fact that this person is having on your life. These personality traits can spell disaster for your happiness. Give your "gut feelings." Would your life be better if you marry her? Otherwise, run while there is still time!

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4 types of men that women should run from
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