Monday, December 26, 2016

What does it to get married today

What does it to get married today -

With so many marriages around the world ending in divorce, many couples wonder what it takes to get today married and to make it last. Some even wonder why they should bother to marry.

Bottom line, if you're wondering why you should marry, not to

If you are a minor, you will find. many legal hoops to jump through. The laws are written that way because statistically, most teenagers who marry eventually divorce.

If you have decided that marriage is for both of you, then check your local requirements. Some even require blood tests, waiting periods, cash only for expenses, and more. Some states require some education before marriage, we highly recommend, even if it is not a formal requirement for your community or church.

For a marriage to be long term, a couple needs love, commitment, communication and problem solving, loyalty , honesty, ability to handle conflict constructively, mutual respect, realistic expectations, understanding, kindness and a sense of humor.

Four things that can kill a marriage

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What does it to get married today
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