Thursday, December 22, 2016

What is a marriage license?

What is a marriage license? -
Bride signing wedding certificate - Nerida McMurray Photography/Photodisc/Getty Images
Nerida McMurray Photography / Photodisc / Getty Images

definition: for a marriage license is a document issued by a government authority that allows two people to marry. A marriage license is valid for a specific period of time, like thirty or sixty days and is only good for the state or local where it was issued.

Example: .. You can not use a marriage license in California to marry in Kentucky or France

In order to receive a marriage license, a couple needs to fill a marriage license application

the regulations for acquiring a marriage license differ widely between countries and even within countries.

Remember, receiving a marriage license means that you are legally allowed to marry. This does not mean you are married.

After a couple is married and after marriage license is signed by the bride and groom and their witnesses, the officiant of marriage lays the marriage license from the authority of local government that issued the license. With this marriage registration process becomes part of the public record.

A marriage certificate is then issued and usually mailed to the newly married couple.

Alternate Spellings: marriage license, marriage license

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