Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Happiness must come from within yourself

Happiness must come from within yourself -
Photo: Stockbyte / Getty Images - Photo: Stockbyte / Getty Images
Photo: Stockbyte / Getty Images

A study published in 2012 Journal of Research in Personality have reported "that while married people are not necessarily happier than they were when they were single, marriage" appears to protect against normal declines in happiness in adulthood "that occur over time. "Regardless of the study, remember that the only marriage can not bring you happiness.

a happy marriage comes from within

Your happiness both as individuals and as a married partner has to come from within you. Being married can add to your happiness and health, but marriage is not and should not be the main source of your happiness
Anne Becker: .. "... Getting married is not necessarily the key to achieving eternal bliss most people were no more satisfied with their life after marriage than they were before the wedding in a study published in the Journal of social Psychology "
Source :. Anne Becker. "Marriage is not the key to happiness" PsychologyToday.com 18/03/03

Ralph Waldo Emerson.. "Nothing can bring you happiness but yourself.".

Tracy McMillan: "... get rid of the idea that marriage will make you happy will not be After the initial high wears off, you'll just have you except with twice.. more laundry. "
Source: Tracy McMillan: HuffingtonPost.com "Why you're not married.". . 13/02/2011

XIV Dalai Lama: ".. Happiness is not something ready made It comes from your own actions"

Some strategies for creating you a happy and a happy marriage

  • like you.
  • Be yourself.
  • Be nice to each other.
  • Show mutual respect.
  • Be supportive of each other.
  • agreed to have fair fights.
  • every night, shared with another three happy things that you noticed during the day. Explain why these moments of happiness took place.
  • Both you write how you want to be remembered. Talk with your spouse about how the way you live your life help or away from what is important to you both.
  • Make a list of things that make you happy, like a sunny day, a hot tub, the laughter of children. Create ways to include those happy days in your life more often.
  • Is it a random act of kindness, not only for foreign every day, but also for the other. Do not talk about these acts of kindness each other. They are for your own self-esteem and personal growth.
  • Fill your own emotional needs.
  • Compliment and claim your spouse.


We are not saying that you can create a happy marriage when there is infidelity, abuse, lying, etc.

If you are in a dysfunctional marriage, please seek professional advice so you can make an informed and rational decision whether or not your marriage is worth saving.

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Happiness must come from within yourself
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