It seems that the legislation on the marriage covenant is not popular with honeymooners and can not be hoped very high divorce rate response
Louisiana :.
the first year the law was in force, only 1% of Louisiana newlyweds chose the alliance wishes. In 2010, the percentage is still about 1%David White: "Of the 373.068 marriages in Louisiana in 00 until 2010, statistics from the Ministry of Louisiana Health and Hospitals show that 3964. about 1 percent, were covenant marriages and others were "traditional" marriages "
Source :. David White. "Divorce Option may be more difficult to achieve in the alliance Bill in Alabama Legislature." 3/19/2012
Arizona :.
According to Scott D. Drewianka of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, only one quarter of one percent of couples marry in Arizona select the covenant marriage optionArkansas.
Although Arkansas has a rate of the highest divorce the nation at 6.5 per 1,000 inhabitants, the number of couples Arkansas to sign a covenant marriage is very low.According to William Bailey, Ph.D., of the University of Arkansas, there was a decrease in the number of new marriages who choose marriage licenses alliance in the time frame from 01 -. 04, only 400 couples have opted for covenant marriage licenses in 02, the Ministry of Health, Vital reported 37.942 issued marriage licenses. in Arkansas. Only sixty-seven (67) couples have signed up to the covenant marriage option. Twenty-four (24) were married converted into marriages of the alliance.
On 20 May 03, 11.037 on marriage licenses issued in Arkansas, there were only four (4) new marriage covenant, and five (5) conversions.