Thursday, September 8, 2016

How not to marry the wrong person

How not to marry the wrong person -
Betsie Van der Meer - Stone/Getty
Betsie Van der Meer - Stone / Getty
update April 12, 2016 .

The choice of the right person to spend the rest of your life with is one of the most important decisions a person can make. You must make this choice wisely and not let yourself be blinded by infatuation. Do not ignore the red flags and "deal breakers." Here are some ways to increase the likelihood that you will make the right choice.

Ask yourself the following questions as a guideline:

  1. What qualities are you looking at someone You should have your listing? the "must have" that are not purely superficial traits such as hair color or height. Think about the personality traits and important things to have in common, as a cultural or religious background. Common desirable traits include intelligence, a strong work ethic, honesty, sense of humor, stability and the ability to communicate openly. Many also believe that it is essential to have a least a few common interests so you can share activities as a hobby or a love of travel. In general, there should be easy to connect with that person on many levels.
  1. Are there defects or serious character behaviors that make the extremely difficult relationship? We talk about the kinds of behaviors that often undermine a marriage. Examples are an addiction, physical violence and / or emotional, psychological disengagement, severe childhood abuse or neglect (which goes unanswered), immaturity, and persistent, untreated mental illness. Not that these people do not deserve love, but it will be a major challenge for you to have a healthy and prosperous relationship. You have to think to yourself, your happiness and potential future children you may have with someone in need.
  2. Have you made your life fulfilling whatever your relationship status? You should be enjoying many things in your life already. Having friendships, careers, leisure and a general feeling of well-being will be the best to prepare for a life partner. When you are in a good place and feel love for yourself, it will be much easier to make a wise choice in a mate. In addition, you will not be the burden of someone else's responsibility "to please." Most people do not want to be alone, but you usually have to agree with it, or you can make a bad choice just to avoid feeling alone.
  3. do you have a lot of dating experience? The purpose of the meeting is to see if you want to spend more time with someone. It also helps you understand what kind of person is right for you. If the dating starts to become painful because you meet someone you like, maybe you should take a break rather than make do with the wrong people. It is best that you do not "resolve" not for someone who is not right for you, just because the dating process became tedious. It is healthier to date others or to be alone than to be in an unsatisfactory relationship or end up divorced because you chose the wrong partner.
  4. Are you comfortable with the compromise? This will be an integral part of any successful relationship. Be prepared to think in terms of "we," not just "I." You should feel that you are ready to do and you also see this trait of the person you are. You should never feel as though you sacrifice the things that are most important to you. you should feel good about creating a partnership, even if you are both conceding certain things that may not be worth fighting about.

Above all, you need to know in depth than you can count on this person. you should not be with someone you do not think has your back, or worse, that has already let you down significantly. you choose good partner if you believe in your heart that this person would be there in your time of need. If you ask yourself these five questions, and you feel fairly good about the answers, then you have found yourself a "good decision"


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