marriage has always been the cornerstone of society. It existed long before the government and back to the beginning of civilization. governments recognize the benefits that people receive this sacred institution, so they protect marriage for a society to prosper. More importantly, marriage encourages men and women to take responsibility for children. Children raised in a household of two parents some circumstantial advantages on children raised in a single parent household. In general, men and women benefit emotionally, spiritually and financially when they marry. This commitment affects men and women differently, and men seem to reap many more benefits than women.
When men become husbands, they take a new vision of themselves as fathers and providers. According to a Washington Post article by Dr. W. Bradford Wilcox, director of the National Marriage Project, married men "work harder and more strategic, and earn more money than their single counterparts." Many sources, including the report of the study Dr. Wilcox when men marry, they work more, thus earning more income, and spending less time with friends outside their family.
They then spend more with their wife and children and the community in which the family is rooted. Married men are also promoted at work more often than single men (as are single women without children).
Beyond financial benefits, there are health benefits, as well. Married men are generally healthier than men who have never married or whose marriages end in divorce or widowhood. They also live longer than men without spouses. In fact, over a married man is, the more his survival advantage over his unmarried peers . The married men have a risk almost 50% fewer deaths than single men! What contributes to these factors? For starters, married couples have sex regularly, and we know sex is good for you. According to r esearch of on National Survey of Sexual Health and Behaviour, married couples have sex with a greater frequency than individuals . Another critical factor involves solitude. According to Harvard Health , those living with a romantic partner (regardless of marital status) tend to fare better than those who live alone. However, men living with their wives better health for all.
Wedding affects men and women biologically in terms of how these diseases impact and certain health problems. Good support is ideal wedding and creates more positive outcomes than a bad marriage. For example, men with cancer have higher survival rates. Also, men happily married show fewer signs of mental and cognitive decline associated with age as singles or unhappily married men. Married men with cancer also have a higher survival rate. On the other hand, marital conflict triggers high levels of hormones and inflammatory stress, and divorced men the most.
Single men are more affected on men psychologically and widows are affected the worst. Loneliness, depression and social isolation contribute to higher mortality associated with bereavement, divorce, or never marrying. healthy relationships are essential. For many men, their wives are their only intimate connection.
Marriage tends to lead to better behavior and better choices by husbands. Single, divorced and widowed do not eat as well as married men and are more likely to drink excessively. They are less likely to exercise and more likely to smoke and engage in other risky behaviors. According to Harvard Health , married men are more likely to get regular medical care. Why might this be? Women tend to "nag" more ( "Have you done the appointment of the doctor ???"), they prepare meals, and they take the role of guardian more easily. Women also more "soft skills". They encourage their husbands to talk to an emotional level with others that reduces stress.
Today, we know that getting married is even more revealing of commitment than ever before. This is partly because there are many other socially acceptable options (such as co-habitation) that were once considered taboo or despised. Before the foregoing, this ancient institution, men should consider including financial benefits, biological, psychological and behavioral of a strong, happy marriage.