Ted on his honeymoon with Helen, "But it's fun ... We do not allow taffy saltwater pass the portals of our lips But I broke three teeth trying to open pistachios for my fiancee ... We are bigger and catering to our predisposition toward lazy "
Source: .. Judith and Neil Morgan Dr. Seuss & Mr. Geisel. A Biography pg 61.
Ted's niece Peggy Owens Dahmen about. his marriage with Helen. " Ted could be difficult and "tense", but Helen usually smoothed things over "
. Source: Judith and Neil Morgan Dr. Seuss & Mr. Geisel: A Biography pg 143.
RETAN Walter, editor, about Ted and the marriage of Helen, 1967 :. "they had much in common, but they were dirivng another crazy Helen was wrong, and she probably depressed She Ted. was very, very good for him, but I could not say it was good for him at that time "
Source :. Judith and Neil Morgan Dr. Seuss & Mr. Geisel.: A Biography pg 193.
Ted on realizing that Helen was dead... " I do not know whether to kill me, burn the house, or just disappear and be lost "
. Source: Judith and Neil Morgan
Dr. Seuss & Mr. Geisel: A Biography pg 195.
New York Times Obituary of Helen Palmer:.. "... its main activities ... were centered on her husband, for whom she was chief spokesman, editor, entrepreneur and wife for forty years "
Source :. Judith and Neil Morgan. Dr. Seuss & Mr. . Geisel: a Biography pg 198.
About the death of Helen.. "Whatever Helen did, she did it with absolute love for his death ... Ted was his last and greatest gift for him "
. Source: Judith and Neil Morgan Dr. Seuss & Mr. Geisel. A Biography pg 198.
Audrey on.. her relationship with Ted, "he grabbed me and we looked at each other and awareness was reciprocal you look away and you say stupid things, but it would never be the same.".
Source: Judith and Neil Morgan. Dr. Seuss & Mr. Geisel: A Biography . pg. 201.
Ted to marry Audrey ". My best friend is divorced and I'll Reno to comfort his wife"
Source: Anapsid.org
About the marriage of Ted Audrey "life with Audrey has a sense of freshness and renewal to Ted, it became more social and more active in the community ... in the interest of Ted Travel was also raised, and together, he and Audrey traveled a lot ... it was also suggested that Audrey Ted beard grow - and for the first time in his life, he did ... never to interfere directly with the affairs of her husband, Audrey - a former nurse - saw its role as a guardian and mainstay, a role she continues to this day as the head of the Dr. Seuss Enterprises "
Source: Seussville.com
Ted in about his decision to marry Audrey ". June 21, Audrey Dimond goes Reno divorce Grey Dimond ... Audrey and I will be married on the first week of August. I purchased two daughters, aged nine and fourteen. I build the house to care for the influx. I am 64 years old. I married an eighteen-year-old woman younger ... I'm not returned my cover. This is not a sudden decision nutty ... This is an inevitable conclusion inevitable to five years in the frustration of four. All I can ask you is to try to believe in me "
Source: ... Judith and Neil Morgan Dr. Seuss and Mr. Geisel: A Biography .. pg 201.
Melissa Kaplan, about Ted and Helen marriage: "Their close and loving relationship began to deteriorate Helen could not provide support, Ted care and protection necessary to be able to create freely . "
Source: Anapsid.org
last note from Helen to Ted: "Dear Ted, What happened to us I do not know I feel in a spiral, leading down to. down down into a black hole from which there is no escape, no brightness. and loud in my ears from all sides, I hear, "failure, the failure, failure ... I love you so much ... I'm too old and tangled in all that you do and are, I can not imagine life without you. .. My going will leave quite a rumor, but you can say I'm overwhelmed and overworked your reputation with your friends and the fans will not be harmed ... Sometimes think the fun we all had through the years ... "
. Source: Judith and Neil Morgan Dr. Seuss and Mr. Geisel ..: A Biography . pg. 195.